The Netherlands have completed ratification of the agreement EU-Ukraine

The Netherlands fully completed the process of ratification of the Association Agreement EU-Ukraine and handed over the instrument of ratification in Brussels.
This was announced on his page in Facebook the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
“A step closer to Association: the Netherlands have completed the ratification of the Agreement,” he said.
See also:
“Ukraine’s place in Europe.” The European Commission welcomed the decision of the Senate of the Netherlands
As said Poroshenko is now in Brussels handed over the instrument of ratification.
“On ratification of Euratom and the formal decision of the EU Council,” – said the head of state.
We will remind, on the eve of the Ministry of justice of the Netherlands has signed the law on ratification of the Agreement on Association between Ukraine and the EU. The document will come into force on the first day of the second month after completion of all procedures. This is expected to take place on 1 September 2017.