Kyiv court fined the party of Vitrenko, confiscating more than 40 thousand hryvnias of contributions

The leader of the “Progressive socialist party of Ukraine” Natalia Vitrenko was found guilty of breach of the receipt of contributions.
About it reported in a press-service of the National Agency for prevention of corruption.
“The decision of Pechersk district court of Kyiv found guilty of committing an administrative offence, the head of the political party “the Progressive socialist party of Ukraine” Natalia Vitrenko. The offense established in the result of the proceedings at the administrative Protocol of the National Agency for prevention of corruption under article 212-15 of the Cao”, – stated in the message.
As noted, employees of the Department on prevention of political corruption revealed the fact of receipt of funds in violation of the law, in particular, it was found that membership fees and charitable donations were given on party meetings, which were held once a month, with a subsequent payment of money to the Bank account of the political power.
“Thus on the current account of the party from a Trustee of the political forces in the November-December 2016 was made 6 payments for a total amount of 42 620 UAH”, – stressed in the NAPC.
In turn Vitrenko did not admit guilt, but the court came to the conclusion that the provided actual evidence of the Commission of the administrative offense.
“Part 8 of article 14 law of Ukraine “On political parties in Ukraine” provides that monetary contributions to political parties are made through Bank transactions,” – said the Agency.
According to the court, with party leader Natalia Vitrenko to be collected 1700 UAH penalty, and confiscated 42 620 UAH contributions made in support of the party.
We will remind, earlier appeal , the court seized 470 thousand UAH membership fee of the party “DILL”.