Media has promulgated the concept of de-occupation of Donbass, announced by Turchinov

Secretary of the National security Council and defense Oleksandr Turchynov has promulgated the concept of de-occupation of Donbass.
It is reported by Gromadske citing its sources.
At the same time, sources who provided the document emphasize that it is not the final version and it can be amended and additions. The editors understood what is contained in this document, as well as what is known about how it is training.
“The President of Ukraine in the period of validity of this Law may take in the established order the decision on the introduction of the legal regime of martial law, and the decision to use the Armed forces of Ukraine, other stipulated by laws of Ukraine of military formations in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine, deter and repel armed aggression, the protection and defense of the State border, the demarcation line of attacks that threaten the lives of servicemen or other citizens,” – the document says.
Speaker of the Parliament Andrei Parubiy said that this item is one of the key concepts.
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Turchynov suggested that an “effective” alternative to ATO in the Donbass
The document notes that “to lead the efforts to ensure national security in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, forces and means involved in their implementation, formed the Operational headquarters”.
Who, exactly, the President may appoint a chief of staff is unknown. At the same time, in informal conversations the deputies from the “popular front” it is said that among the proposals that are being discussed – provision of operational headquarters the right to determine the list of goods that prohibited or allowed to move between the territory of Ukraine and temporarily occupied territories.
“Some regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, where bodies of state power of Ukraine temporarily exercise their powers, subject to legal regime of the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine”, – the document says.
At the same time, in a territory are prohibited activity subject to state regulation (licensing, obtaining permits, certification, etc.) economic activity, import and/or export of military goods, organization of rail, road, sea, river, ferry and air services.
The concept of de-occupation of Donbass from Yulia Bankova
Also prohibited the use of state resources, including natural, financial and credit, prohibited money transfers.
Citizens of Ukraine have the right to free and unimpeded entry to the temporarily occupied territory and exit through the checkpoints upon presentation of identity document and proof of citizenship.
“Features of the state policy on restoration of state sovereignty over the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions are based on international law and national legislation”, – said Turchinov.
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When Moscow will take Turchinov has ironically answered the question about the end of the war in the Donbas
It is also reported that the aim of government policy to restore the sovereignty over the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions are: the liberation of the occupied territories and the restoration of constitutional order on the territory of Ukraine; protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of Ukraine affected by Russian aggression; strengthen the independence, sovereignty and unity of an independent, sovereign, democratic, legal and social Ukrainian state.
The document does not say about how Ukraine will seek the release of the temporarily occupied territories.
See also:
Parubiy announced the main principles of the draft law on de-occupation of Donbass
We will remind, Turchynov hopes that in the near future will be completed a draft law amending the format of the antiterrorist operation in the Donbas and the Parliament will promptly consider. He hopes that this week will be an expert discussion, and after making the President of this bill in Parliament MPs will not delay a positive vote.
The main emphasis in this bill will focus on problems of the state, aimed at liberation of the occupied territories.
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TSN. 12:00
Today, 12:40