In the battle for the sea of Azov in the hands of the marine melted machine

The intensity of the fighting in the Azov area of the front ATO aged people, but not metal. In the hands of the Ukrainian military even melt the weapon, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Journalists witnessed as a marine after a night firefight with the militants threw the scorched part of the muffler from the machine. Each fighter is recognized that during the night fires on several full rounds of ammunition stores.
Videoprikoly section of the front fighters fired long-range artillery
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:02
Ukrainian soldiers of the occupier works as a powerful weapons – mortars. Heavy shells the enemy uses the night and during the day can suddenly start shooting attack in the hope of catching the military by surprise. “Where they have a good position on the road – they can simultaneously on three sides of the work,” explained Mat soldier with the Callsign “Bortovoi”.
The defense kept the Marines with machine guns. Every night shelling military is at the forefront of a lot of nerves, because the enemy has all the sighting, and, most likely, somewhere nearby keeps the spotter. Despite this, not one step back, the soldiers do not, and the home to say Hello and promise to come back alive and unharmed. In civilian life already have a lot of plans: to marry, to graduate to paint a car.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Motor