How much money you need to Americans and Ukrainians to be happy. Polls

Americans need to be happy to monthly 6.2 thousand dollars. And most importantly, that the increase of happiness does not add.
This unusual study was conducted by Case Western Reserve University, said the plot of TSN.Week.
As it turned out, that the money give Americans a sense of satisfaction from life. Because it gives you the opportunity to live as you want; to save, not to save, that is, to wisely handle money; to be able to be grateful and to help friends in need; this amount gives a sense of security; gives you the opportunity to enjoy life regardless of age.
This amount is slightly more than the average salary in the United States. So happy to be residents of the state not so hard.
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Ukrainians to Wake up happy, you have at least that in Ukraine the war ended. Then the economy will grow at a faster pace. TSN.Week asked viewers on his page on Facebook, what amount of money will make Ukrainians happy. The survey involved more than 2 thousand people. Least want to be millionaires – only 3%. 17% of those who dreams of income to 150 thousand hryvnia, which corresponds to the American level of happiness. The most popular choice – up to UAH 50 thousand – chose 55%. And 24% fairly 20 thousand UAH.
And though to make, as Americans, want relatively few, all respondents prefer to have at least four times more income than the average salary in Ukraine. And it shows how Ukrainians are dissatisfied with their lives. However, it’s just a funny indicator of wanting to be millionaires, says, perhaps, that Ukrainians have enough wisdom to understand that no profits guarantee happiness.
Videocache amount of money makes Ukrainians happy man
TSN. Week
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