Juicy Instagram competition Kim Kardashian and thrill-seekers at the highest chimney in Europe. Trends Network

Team TSN.ia daily brings readers the major trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days.
Today, June 26, fans of the Saga of “Harry Potter” celebrating the 20th anniversary since the release of the first book of Joanne Rowling. Facebook to this holiday has hidden “Easter egg” in the public records and review.
In Instagram gaining popularity model Zahra Alice, appetizing forms which are the envy of even the star Kim Kardashian.
Network laughed at the video of the presenter, which blew a strong wind during the live broadcast in Ireland. Scared users a couple of adventurers who climbed to the highest chimney of Europe with a height of 365 meters.