Without passports and with an electronic bracelet: the court for two months extended the arrest Nasirova

The Solomensky district court of Kiev prolonged the measure of restraint in the form of wearing an electronic bracelet removed the Chairman of the SFS of the Novel Naslovu.
About it the correspondent of TSN.
Nasirov has to wear an electronic bracelet until 2 September. He also has an obligation not to leave the place of residence, and to be the first call of the Prosecutor, court, judge, detective.
Videorama Nasirov can appear before British court
TSN. 19:30
16 Jun, 20:38
The court ordered dismissed the head of the DFS to surrender their passports.
See also:
Nasirov threatened with jail Holodnitsky
The suspect refused to comment on the court decision and left the meeting room.