In Texas pigs are “screwed” the police blocked the movement of vehicles on the highway

On the freeway in Texas, a herd of pigs paralyzed the movement of vehicles after the accident.
This is stated in the release of “TSN.Ranok”.
The trailer, which was transporting the animals, caught on a cutting barrier and overturned.
See also:
The pig is killed the farmer by biting off his penis and fingers
Law enforcement officers were forced to block traffic in both directions and together with the farmers to catch the pigs who ran across the road.
Video settings Texas a herd of pigs paralyzed traffic on the freeway
TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:00
Despite the apparent primitiveness of tasks, it was not so easy. The animals were freedom-loving and stubbornly refused to return to the cage.
See also:
Pigs can be pessimists and optimists – British scientists
After some time they managed to catch. None of the pig was not injured.
Recall that a similar situation occurred on one of the highways of Japan. Law enforcement officers 5 hours to catch the little pigletsthat escaped from the truck after the accident.
Video surveillance highway of Japan for more than 5 hours to catch pigs that escaped from a truck during a crash
TSN. Wounds
9 Jun, 08:49