NACP beginning of test 27 of declarations of officials

At the next meeting of the National Agency for prevention of corruption , it was decided to conduct a full check 27 declarations of persons authorized to perform state functions or local government, for 2015 and 2016.
This decision was taken on Friday, June 30, the report said NACP in Facebook.
“Among the persons of the Declaration which will be checked are the rector, the village head and representatives of the Prosecutor’s office. Verification of these declarations is mandated to hold a member of the National Agency – Deputy Chairman Ruslan Radicicola”, – stated in the message.
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MPs are not allowed to declare expenses for travel and housing
As you know, earlier the National Agency for prevention of corruption at a meeting decided to conduct a full verification of declarations of officials 20.
NAPC June 30 will begin to test 27 declarations At the next meeting of the National Agency for the prevention…
Published by the National Agency for prevention of corruption – NAPC June 30, 2017.
Recall that the Law of Ukraine “On prevention of corruption” and arrangements for monitoring and verification of the Declaration of the person authorized to perform state functions or local self-government, a procedure of verification of declarations.
In accordance, in the Order defined requirements the results of this audit, in particular, a complete verification of the Declaration is to determine the authenticity of declared data; verification of estimation accuracy of declared assets; checking for the existence of a conflict of interest; checking for signs of illicit enrichment.