In Kiev opened the first Playground for kids in wheelchairs

To drive with a child the whole town for the first time to ride on the swings. But the parents of special children are happy, their kids finally got the opportunity. In the capital the Botanical garden named after Grishko has a venue, specially equipped for children with special needs, says TSN.12.00
Rocking chair, transiting strollers, one for bedridden children, next to the see – saw and the roundabout with a ramp. Unusual Playground appeared in the Moscow Botanical garden.
Little Bogdan happy swaying on the swings. The boy has cerebral palsy. For the first time in his life he can do it himself, without my mom. She only holds his son’s hand. The new site family came from a distant area.
Kiril same diagnosis as Bogdan. Mama Elena admits, the game is the usual children’s playgrounds near the house – a real test for the baby and for herself.
Video settings the Botanical garden of the capital have a Playground equipped for children with special needs
TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:02
“I find it so hard to get, pulled, in order to plant. And here you can see the wide bench and ramps. It is convenient to deliver the child, if the child is nervous, you can sit,” says the woman.
With four special next normal swing. The creators of the site say wanted children with physical disabilities it was easier to find new friends among peers.
“Parents in regular, healthy reason to separate children with special needs often hear the phrase “don’t look at it.” I am very grateful to those people who were able to open this area,” says the mother of a special daughter.
It cost to patrons 87 thousand hryvnia. They plan to add another swing. Parents of children with special needs, but my dream is that these areas have appeared in all areas of Kiev.