SAP and NAB issued a joint statement on the case of Dade

The National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine responded to the evaluation of procedural Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of ideas about the criminal prosecution of people’s Deputy Yevhen Deydey. The document in Parliament called “ill-founded, unwarranted and such, “lacked specific facts” noted in a press-Department service.
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“Stress, gather all the evidence obtained by the detectives NAB in a legal way under the procedural guidance of prosecutors SAP, is quite sufficient for the decision on removal from the MP’s parliamentary immunity. Deprivation of immunity is a necessary condition for the continuation of pre-trial investigation of facts of illegal enrichment of Yevgeny Deydey — already a suspect in the Commission of a criminal offense under part 3 St. 368-2 of the Criminal code of Ukraine (“Illicit enrichment”),” – said in NABOO.
It is noted that members of the regulatory Committee was shown a video of the interrogation of one of witnesses, audio recordings of telephone conversations of individuals, as well as detailed circuit analysis of the structure of income and expenses Evgeny Deydey and his wife.
According to the electronic declarations of Dade for 2015 and 2016 years, the wife of the MP has financial obligations to the businessman Igor Linchevski in the amount of 3 million 500 thousand UAH. However, during interrogation, Lynch was unable to give clear answers to the questions where, when and under what circumstances transmit the borrowed funds to the wife of the MP or himself. Despite a significant amount of the loan, the businessman said written agreement between him and the other side was not.
“The results of secret investigative actions carried out against businessman Igor Lynch, refute the testimony of this witness. In phone conversations, he consulted with other persons, what should be his answers to the detectives NAB. Thus, the pre-trial investigation found, which was no loan agreement between the wife of the MP for Dade and Igor Linchevski were not concluded, and the specified cash amount is not passed”, – stated in the message.
However, the NEB noted that even under the condition that the loan took place, the amount still does not cover all the expenses of spouses Dadev. Legal income, which would allow to buy an apartment (2 million 893 thousand UAH) and two cars (the cost of each exceeds 1 million 500 thousand UAH), had neither the MP nor the members of his family.
The national office and Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office decided to publish the materials that were shown at the meeting of the regulatory Committee.
Fragments of video of interrogation of witness Igor Lynch, who allegedly loaned funds to spouses
Audio recordings of telephone conversationswhich confirm that the financial commitment was provided by Eugene Dadem in the declarations, probably with the purpose of legalization of the sources (origin) of funds and give the appearance of legality to the facts of acquisition of assets of a significant amount of.
We will remind, in result of joint verification of submitted electronic declarations of the GPU, SAP and NAB the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine prepared the submission for the lifting of parliamentary immunity of people’s deputies Gennady legumes, Eugene Deydey and Andrey Lozovoy. So, Dade and he is accused of illicit enrichment.
In turn, the procedural Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on 3 July did not give the consent to criminal prosecution-procedural responsibility of Dade.
Videocomedy of the Verkhovna Rada have blocked the removal of Evgeny Deydey parliamentary immunity
TSN. 16:45
3 Jul, 17:49