Hunter admitted as accidentally shot the godfather on night hunting near Kiev

In the Kiev region drunk man during illegal hunting accidentally shot his godfather. From the received wounds 35-year-old resident of the village of havrylivka died, according to a story TSN.16:45.
It all happened in 35 kilometers from Kiev. Two godmother went to the forest in search of prey late in the evening drunk. One of them was named Dmitri – he died of a gunshot wound. Godfather, with which man hunted, called at midnight to the wife of Dmitry and said that her husband who were wounded. He godfather was like in the car, heard the shot, and Dmitry found lying in the middle of the forest. An ambulance was summoned wife, but on the way to hospital the victim died.
Video surveillance Kyiv man shot and killed his godfather
TSN. 16:45
Today, 17:37
The tragic news quickly spread through the village. Neighbors say the deceased man was industrious, rarely drank. A widowed woman going through the loss of her husband and the betrayal of the relative who became a killer but lied to her and the police. Only after law enforcement officers caught him on false testimony, he told how it happened: went together with the Fox trail, the fingers kept ready in case of appearance of the beast, but in the dark, caught on something and accidentally pulled the trigger. And the gun that killed friend, hid.
Experts have already seized the weapon. The case was initiated under article about murder on imprudence. Responsible for the death of men threatens till 5 years of imprisonment. With Dmitry in Havrylivka already said goodbye. He is survived by 6-year-old son.
The TSN reporter Ivan Grebenyuk