With jokes about sex and harsh sentence of the Committee: deputies took a step to the deprivation of immunity of Rosenblatt

The procedural Committee of the Verkhovna Rada agreed to the deprivation of immunity and the arrest of people’s Deputy from Blok Petro Poroshenko Borislav Rosenblatt. His colleagues for the first time this week, took the side of Prosecutor General, after which Yuri Lutsenko called it “the breaking of the old system untouchable castes”, says the story TSN.19:30.
Rosenblat did not deny that he had met with a woman who appeared in the case as the agent of NABOO “Catherine”. “Met many times on the topic of personality and life. Intimate relations were not,” he said. According to legend, Catherine represented the Arab company that wants to mine amber in Zhytomyr. For assistance in this influential Deputy asked for 200 thousand dollars.
Videofragmenty Committee of Parliament approved the immunity of Rosenblatt
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:39
As evidenced by the video of NABOO, agent Catherine gave Rosenblatt through his guards more than 250 thousand dollars. They have already testified. Part of the funds to the Deputy, according to investigators, was distributed to various authorities to obtain the necessary Arab firm decision. After the evidence, no member of the Committee to the protection of Rosenblatt, but he called the video a fake.
Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko sharply criticized not only the corrupt activities of the Deputy, but some of its replicas, in particular, regarding “deblina of the country” in Ukraine. The MP he called immediately to lay down the mandate, in response to what Rosenblatt asked not to exert pressure on him. After the vote of the Committee , the head of the GPU did not hide pleasure. He stated that the changes go in the right direction – in particular, the attitude of the deputies to their rights and responsibilities.
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Political scientist: if Lutsenko through the system, imagine what famous names will be in the dock
The final decision as to whether to give or not Borislav Rosenblatt in the hands of investigators, his colleagues will take in the Assembly hall on Thursday. It is possible that by this time, the procedural Committee will consider the fate of another person involved in prokurorskogo views of opublikowa Mikhail Dobkin. Lutsenko has said that without this policy the set of representations of the GPU would be incomplete.
The TSN reporter Dmitry Furdak