Lutsenko explained how you can speed up the process of launching a specialized anti-corruption court

Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko considers that the process of establishment in Ukraine of specialized anti-corruption court, which would consider cases against high-ranking officials, may be delayed for three years. He therefore proposed to create a court on the basis of existing pre-updating it.
About this Lutsenko said in a live program TSN.Week.
“I believe that the specialized anti-corruption judges should exist. Because today we have a problem not only with the judges (as I are unable under the law to say), but also on their number. You know that in Pechersky court there are only six judges who may consider neskolko (approximately 800) of the most high-profile cases? I know that. I’m forced to face” – lamented the attorney General.
He argues that “separate legal institution from scratch, without building, communication, staff, funding is a myth for three years”.
“My proposal, which has already been laid out in the bill is very simple. Inside an already existing Criminal division judges create a separate special chamber in the cases of corruption of “A” category. That is, in the same Pechersk court, we recruit from scratch through open competitions under the control of public organizations new judges (e.g., five), which will consider any case, from NABOO, from the SBU, the GPU against high-ranking officials. It must be completed before the end of the year,” – said the Prosecutor General.
Lutsenko also said that the PGO investigates new criminal cases against MPs and current Ministers.
Videonike will not be hid – neither abroad, nor for the mandate, – Yuriy Lutsenko
TSN. Week
Yesterday, 20:52