PGO investigates new criminal cases against MPs and current Ministers.

Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko has announced a new high-profile cases against members of the current Executive and the legislative. Now continue the investigation.
About this Lutsenko said in a live program TSN.Week.
“Analysis of the actions of the judiciary the exclusive competence of the National anti-corruption Bureau. Therefore, we focus on the figures of the past and the present day with the Executive and legislative branches of government. So, we now consider the case where we are talking about deputies and acting Ministers. I want to remind you that we are doing this in parallel with the providing assessment of ex-President Yanukovych, about two dozen of his henchmen who have plundered the country and the consequence on all of them over. Last year we gave to the court of 1200 of bribes to the authorities. And this year is only going to increase the height of the posts of those who plunder the country”, – said the Prosecutor General.
Recall that next week the Parliament has to decide on the withdrawal of immunity of six deputies.
Videonike will not be hid – neither abroad, nor for the mandate, – Yuriy Lutsenko
TSN. Week
Yesterday, 20:52