Without things, money and documents: the residents of the exploded house in Kiev, getting settled in a new place

After an explosion in an apartment house in Kiev, which took place on 8 July, two people remain in hospital. One of the victims – 14-year-old man who received a spinal injury, according to TSN.12:00.
Kyiv city state administration will consider the issue of compensation, and compensation of housing the residents of the destroyed home. Also, the findings of the Commission will decide whether to restore this house. However, the first Deputy Chairman of Kyiv city state administration Gennady PLIS says that most likely the house will be demolished, because the building is very old – 40-ies of the last century – and it is hardwood floors.
Of the 77 people who lived in the house, 24 lived in a dormitory at the capital’s hem, which belongs to the city. The victims showed how now settled in the new place.
“You see, I – I have no shoes, no clothes, nothing,” complains Lydia Pavlovna.
Passport, medication and all the money remained under the rubble. The woman barely got out of the house after the explosion. She has bad legs and a weak heart. The victim, along with his year younger sister, 80 years, in fact, remained in the street. Until they were offered shelter in the hostel.
In temporary accommodation, people began to transport the first things to check in five blocks of the hostel.
43 other people staying at relatives of the house have settled out all. Residents in shock, some still cannot sleep without a sedative.
A little after recovering Lydia returned to her apartment for a parrot. He waited for her all night, even though the cage was open. The woman took a little the survivors of things – that can be extracted from the rubble.
Photo of Valerie Kovalinsky/TSN
The hostel has a shared kitchen and Laundry, in the rooms for 2-3 people, one bathroom. Family will be here until decides their fate.
People insist that the government not only reimbursed the cost of the destroyed apartments, but also paid compensation for damaged property.
“They want to assess the cost of apartments on average in this area. If the payment will be given on an empty apartment, and we have a refrigerator, a washing machine and a vacuum cleaner. It was, and now has nothing,” say the victims.
The blast completely demolished two floors. Cracks went all over the house.
Recall, July 8, at about 13:30 in Kiev Goloseevskiy Prospekt, 70, the second coming of 3-storey building was an explosion of unknown origin with fire of the destroyed wooden structures. The preliminary cause called cooking gas, but the examination continues. The explosion was the destruction of the overlap between the second and third floor and roof. Suffered 6 people, two died.
Correspondents TSN Irina Markevich and Stanislav Feshchenko