Ukraine will introduce biometric control for foreigners – Poroshenko

Ukraine will introduce biometric controls for citizens of other States who cross the Ukrainian border.
The corresponding decision was adopted at the meeting of the national security Council, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
“We are talking about strengthening of control of entry, exit and stay of citizens of other States on the territory of Ukraine. We are introducing biometric control for all citizens who cross the Ukrainian border. We should remove all biometric data, including fingerprints and a digital photograph. This will greatly enhance the possibilities to combat terrorism,” he said.
See also:
In the Donbas to receive biometric passports accompany fights in the queues and the police
The meeting was For national defense BEZPEKA TA. Vstupne word
Published by Petro Poroshenko on July 10, 2017.
For the introduction of such measures, the guarantor has promised to allocate the necessary time and money.
As previously reported, the Secretary of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov announced that Russian citizens across the border to Ukraine will eventually have to pass only biometric passports , and the simultaneous control of biometric data. The head of Committee of “Duma” of the Russian Federation on international Affairs Alexei Pushkov suggested the mirror to answer initiativetaking