Russia wants to write off the inhabitants of the Crimea credit debts to Ukrainian banks

The Russian state Duma in the second reading adopted a bill that will allow the residents and businesses of annexed Crimea do not pay the debts of Ukrainian banks on credits for amounts to 5 billion Russian rubles. Also, this document will provide unprecedented benefits during repayment of debts of large amounts. Provided and debt restructuring.
After the adoption of the amendments to the Federal law, the Fund of protection of depositors will go to the “authorities” of the Crimea, and that, in turn, at the regional level will pass a law, which can liberate the Crimeans from the payment of debts. About it writes “Kommersant”.
The depositors protection Fund is subordinate to the Agency on insurance of contributions (something like the Ukrainian Deposit guarantee Fund of individuals ‘ deposits). The DIA will have to transfer to the Fund of 1.5 billion unencumbered asset contribution.
It should be noted that according to Russian law, Ukrainian banks have no right directly to demand repayment of debts from inhabitants of the Crimea, but only through the Russian debt collection firms. Such Fund was an accredited four – they bought in Ukrainian banks for debts of over 1 billion rubles.
After the adoption of the amendments to the DIA shall serve as a buffer between the borrower and the manifold, said the head of the state Duma Committee on financial market Anatoly Aksakov. Unfair methods of debt collection of Crimean Ukrainian banks have already drawn attention to the “Criminator”.
Meanwhile, in the annexed Crimea has already prepared a bill that would authorize the Fund of protection of depositors to unconditional writing off the debt or part thereof amounting to 5 billion rubles. That is the Amnesty of Ukrainian loans will get most of the borrowers of the Crimea and the individual has predprinimatelei, and the company will be able to significantly reduce debt.
Meanwhile, collection firms that are actively buying the debt of the Crimean people, now complain that they don’t want to give money, waiting for the final decisions that will allow them to write off their debts.
“We bought the debts in Ukrainian banks, because the recovery of such debt was provided for by the law, and now it turns out that there will be nothing to recover. If there will be massive debt forgiveness, who will compensate us for the losses?”, – says the head of one of the agencies working in the Crimea.
Theoretically, the collectors has the opportunity to seek compensation through the courts, says managing partner of “Dmitry Matveev and partners” Dmitry Matveev.
“In the Constitution there is a rule that no one may be deprived of his property without compensation. Although due to the politicization of this topic the outcome of the case in question”” – said Matveev.
Fund to protect depositors will also want to give the right to forgive debts of more than 5 billion rubles – in circumstances that are essential to the identity of the borrower. Those who do not fall under this criterion, plans to offer sufficiently favorable terms of repayment. In the case of a one-time repayment of a certain part of the debt you can get rid of a substantial part of it: subject to 5% of the amount owed will be paid 20%, and subject to 20% of the debt will provide a complete write-off.
When the decision will come into force, and it has to happen quickly, also simultaneously be an ongoing issue with the seizure of the Crimean people, in the framework of the DIA imposed on the rights of the requirements for Ukrainian banks. According to the head of the Public chamber of the Crimea Grigory Ioffe, now officially arrested property about 50 thousand legal entities and individuals.
Videoebze, adopted a Declaration calling for Russia to regain the Crimea
TSN. 12:00
July 10, 12:29