In “Kyivenergo” told about the amount of the payment to those who have not passed the counters

Residents of Pechersk district of the capital, which not gave indications of counters of hot water in July 2017 will receive a bill from “Kyivenergo” for June, calculated on the average consumption of hot water in the last three months taking into account the number of days of service.
This writes UNIAN referring to the press service of “Kyivenergo.”
See also:
Kiev residents raise the rent. Encrypted with the new payment system
It is noted that in the future these charges will get all customers “Kyivenergo”, which do not transmit the counters of hot water.
“If your apartment is equipped with a meter of hot water, and you long gave testimony and did not provide access to the metering device, “Kyivenergo” will charge the amount to be paid in accordance with the decree of Cabinet of Ministers № 630 p. 11 of the Rules of provision of services on centralized heating, supply of hot and cold water and drainage, enacted by the resolution of Cabinet of Ministers № 630 of 21.07.2005, for apartments are not equipped with apartment level meters hot water. After gaining access to the apartment meters hot water PJSC “Kyivenergo” will correct the accrual in accordance with their actual testimony,” the company said.
We will remind, the national Commission carrying out regulation in the energy and utilitieshave increased the tariff for centralized hot water supply for “Kyivenergo” by 1.6% and reduced the heating rate of 0.2%.
Videojournalist TSN.Tyzhden investigated the rate on the rent and explained that encrypted in the payment
TSN. Week
June 25, 21:50