To beat when you faint. Babchenko gave advice on how to defeat Russia

Ukraine for many years will live in a state of war with Russia in the Donbass.
This opinion was expressed in interview Dnia Russian military journalist Arkady Babchenko.
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“The weakening of the enemy, and when the enemy is weak, then we have to beat. This is the basis of tactics, even sun Yat-Chi wrote. But in any case it is only the military option, a political agreement can not be. Russia wants to chop off a piece of Ukraine, Ukraine, of course, wants to go back to what it was. This contradiction is insoluble, and it will be resolved only when either win some or win the other,” – said the journalist.
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TSN. Wounds
July 10, 08:43
Babchenko also added that to win this war must meet three components.
“The first is the political will of the Ukrainian state, the Ukrainian leadership, the second is the readiness of Ukrainian society to restore the boundaries of their territory, control over them, and third, in my opinion, the most important is the economic weakening of the Russian Federation. Because if you start a full-scale war, I do not doubt that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin does impose a regular army. To resist regular Russian army of Ukraine is now,” says military journalist.
Details of the war in the Donbass and the Kremlin’s plans, read the interview with Arkady Babchenko: Putin’s Russia you live long