The mother of a prisoner, the Russian Ageeva booked an appointment in AP

The mother of a prisoner, the Russian contractor of Victor Ageeva Svetlana together with lawyer Victor Chevguz in booked an appointment in the presidential Administration.
About Public radio said Chevguz.
After meeting up they went to the Russian Embassy in Kiev. Like, have you talked about legal matters. According to Victor Chigusa, diplomats were shown a letter of rejection that at the initial stage of the investigation until you have conducted all necessary investigative investigative actions, a date impossible, and after the 24th day date can take place.
See also:
“When will return to Russia, no one will believe me”: mother Ageeva has told about the impressions from the Ukraine
“Ageyev is being detained in the Luhansk region. It is not the jurisdiction of the Consulate in Kiev, is the jurisdiction of the Consulate in Kharkov. Therefore the Embassy promptly contacted the Kharkiv. They contacted me, we agreed about joint actions. They said they will provide not only legal assistance, but also assistance in buying necessary things”, – said the lawyer.
Videobrain allowed the mother of a Russian prisoner Victor Ageev to meet my son
TSN. Pdsmi day
22 Jul, 20:09
On the question of how Viktor Ageev got to Donbass, the lawyer said, “That’s when I seen him in so long, then I will tell you everything”.
As previously reported, in captivity in the Donbas Russian soldier Viktor Ageev met his mother. Details of the meeting from Starobelsk said the journalist of Russian “Novaya Gazeta” Paul Kanygin. Later came the first video of conversation of the Russian press.