A famous artist painted a mural with the sea in Kiev and fell in love with the Ukrainian capital

On the facade of one of the capital houses a South African artist Jake Aikman paints a mural larger than 70 square meters – with images of the sea.
About it reports TSN. Ranok.
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Urbanism in Kiev. The most vivid murals of the capital
Kiev artist with a world name are invited in the framework of international art project ArtUnitedUs. Jake admitted that when he received the invitation, hesitated, thought does not complete the task, but the adventure won. The first thing he learned about Ukraine from the Internet, was the war in the East.
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TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:06
“This project is about peace and against aggression, for me, the sea is the best embodies this concept. I thought it was just what I need to do. Maybe my job can someone reassure, distract,” he said of his mural.
Jake is working for free for eight hours a day.
“I want to do a good job, so I work a lot. And still I managed to see something. I visited the art Museum when he arrived. And so I’m just walking around the city: it’s beautiful, I fell in love with him”, – said the artist and added that he plans to come to Kiev in winter, to see how it looks the sea in the snow.
Will videoprivate do murals Kiev
Snidanok 1+1
May 30, 11:06