The border guards explained why I plan not to miss Saakashvili in Ukraine

Gospodarica service intends not to miss Mikheil Saakashvili on the territory of Ukraine in case of attempts to come to our state.
This was stated by the assistant Chairman of the state border service Oleg Slobodyan, reports “Commander in chief”.
“We will act within the law. If you ignore the names, the citizen, which in the hands of an invalid passport, is unable to cross the border of Ukraine. If a person is deprived of citizenship, her passport is invalid,” – said Slobodyan.
See also:
Saakashvili promised to return to Ukraine “on the wave of mobilization”
However, he added that the competence of the state border service does not include detention of a citizen.
Videodemonstration President has officially confirmed the deprivation of Saakashvili Ukrainian citizenship
TSN. 19:30
27 Jul, 20:56
“Legally, it implements a division of the National police,” – said Slobodyan.
We will remind, the President Petro Poroshenko, Saakashvili was deprived of the citizenship of Ukraine based on the recommendations of the Commission on citizenship issues under the President of Ukraine. This was reported in the presidential Administration.
Saakashvili himself said that it wants to make to refugee status, but he is going to pursue the legitimate right to return to Ukraine”.