For the first time after 14-year break on the Dnieper river in Kiev sent the barge with the Kherson watermelons

The barge on Board of which 250 tons of watermelonsfor the first time after a long break, go from Naked Pier, Kherson region to Kiev. The last time striped berries sent by the Dnieper 14 years ago, and the regular shipments of watermelons stopped in the 1990s when post-Soviet ports and marinas fell into disrepair.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.19:30.
In the first after a long hiatus, the flight will depart 250 tons of striped berries. One barge will replace the fifty large trucks. Farmers say that before the carriage did watermelons twice the price. Pounds of berries from the field now is the hryvnia, the same amount would have given for transportation. Watermelons from barges should be cheaper.
See also:
In Kiev to buy a watermelon and not to poison the tips of TSN
“This barge, we remove the congestion of our roads. Today the transportation costs up to 1 hryvnia, here, barges will try to fit in 60-65 cents,” says the farmer Alexander Sinenko.
The berries are delivered on a barge from the six surrounding farms. All parties are checked for nitrate content. So far no one is not rejected.
“The rate of nitrate concentration was 44 mg per kilogram, with the dose up to 60 milligrams per kilogram,” – said the Director of the Kherson regional state laboratory of veterinary medicine Valery Chabanov.
See also:
In Ukraine one and a half or two times cheaper melons
Before transporting the watermelons just mounds: barges pleasing to the eye, but not all watermelons have arrived to the buyer in the presentation. Now they are comfortably in special boxes.
If the first striped flight to the capital will arrive without incident, then the barge will be shipping even more berries. Because the peak season watermelons in front, he comes in the middle of August. To sail on the Dnieper river Kherson watermelons will be four days. And on the fifth day will appear on the shelves of Kiev supermarkets.
Elena Vanina
Videolara, on Board of which 250 tons of watermelons, leaves from Naked Pier in the capital
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:24