SBU caught the live action movie witness for the Hague Tribunal over Putin

Counterintelligence of security Service of Ukraine during the year, followed by the head of service is rocket-artillery arms of one of the battalions of the self-proclaimed “LNN” Sergey Semenchenko. A citizen of Ukraine, resident of Luhansk, nearly two years handed out to terrorists ammunition. And then, for family reasons, have left the territory controlled by fighters. And here he is in Lviv. IN JAIL.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.19:30.
Semenchenko was the captain of the so-called “people’s militia LNR”. In his brigade coordinated the reception of Russian weapons and the results of its militants. Counterintelligence of security service followed him for almost a year. And was detained when he arrived in government-controlled territory. Galitsky court of Lviv arrested Semenchenko two months.
Cooperating with the investigation. Documented that the Lugansk militants are fighting with Russian weapons and under the guidance of the Russians. Says that have spoken with many serving officers of the Russian Federation – chief of staff, the Deputy for combat training, Deputy armament. According to Semenchenko, they all come from the Russian Novocherkassk, under assumed names with documents “LC”.
His phone and on the stick counter-intelligence found a lot of valuable information and photos.
Local fighters, says the detainee, not in awe of the fact that they are guided from Moscow.
“Nobody is happy about what’s going on. Neither civil nor military. The military, which was long gone from there. Long been engaged in their business: who grows the chickens, and something else. And those that come after two months go. They must sit and we must always clean up after them, to repair, to paint, to whitewash, to build. And the money for the construction to be given? No. Got paid, chipped in, buy paint, cry if necessary. But it’s all for the money bought” – said Semenchenko.
He even the photo shows how, at its own expense concealed caches of Russian weapons. Says that spent their about 100 thousand rubles.
Semenchenko says that Russian officers are controlled by other Russian officers from the FSB.
“The special forces call themselves the “domes”. They control their soldiers, watching them, not to steal, not walked, to no documents left,” says the detainee.
Semenchenko threatens from 8 to 15 years for participating in a terrorist organization. However, valuable evidence of Russian presence that he brought with him, can commute the sentence. In the Hague he is ready to testify.
More details see in the story of Olga Wasilewska.
Videosby detained the Ukrainian, who for two years has supplied ammunition to terrorists
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:48