In Kiev “aunts” smashed cafes with people inside

In the night of Monday, July 31, in Kiev, Zabolotnogo street, unknown persons smashed a cafe, where they ate the drivers of Shuttle vans.
As reported by TSN, the owner of the premises, the pogrom began about half past three in the morning, to build came about 20-30 “aunts” in black, also arrived the bulldozer. At the time of the attack in the room were four people, in spite of which the bulldozer began to destroy the café. According to the owner, this is not the first attempt to destroy his property.
“They called me last night and said that the attack started on my building which is in private ownership. The first capture attempt was two months ago, then was drafted to the Prosecutor. Despite the fact that all of the necessary documents was submitted July 20, was the repeated attempt of capture of the room, she was repulsed”, – said the owner of the premises, the member Association of carriers of Kiev Yuri Artemenko.
Video settings Kyiv bulldozer ran into a cafe with people inside
Today, 15:02
Young people in the conflict said that are supposedly from KP “Kievblagoustroystvo”, and that technique also belongs to the municipal enterprise, but no supporting documents were not able to present. Also not shown the documents that would grant them permission to demolish the premises.
The café owner is confident that initiated the pogrom of the company-developer that builds high-rise buildings close to his room. Allegedly, threats and previously received from their representatives. Previously their losses Artemenko is estimated at 250 thousand.
We will remind, on July 25, near the metro station “Forest” bulldozers demolished the trading floor directly with the product. The mayor of Kiev called the shopping arcade “CP*HB Lord” and assured that with the Mafs will continue to struggle.
By TSN correspondent Ivan Vorobyev