In-laws and daughter-in-law of the head of the SBU managed to buy four apartments after his appointment media

Daughter-in-law parents sister-in-law of the Chairman of SBU Vasily Gritsak have seven apartments, four of which I bought less than six months after his appointment as head of the Department.
This is evidenced by an extract from the State register of rights to immovable property, according to Nashi Groshi.
In particular, Igor Drachuk and Lyudmila Drachuk are the parents of Anna Gritsak – wife of Oleg Gritsak, son of the head of SBU Vasily Gritsak. According to journalists, friend of the head of the SBU Igor Drachuk 18 December 2015 issued on itself in the residential complex “Green island-2” apartment area of 73 sq m and his wife – three of the apartment: 72 sqm, 48 and 45 sq. m.
Nashi Groshi
Oleg Gritsak and his wife Anna
These four apartments of Drachkov could cost from 263 thousand dollars.
The Drachuk November 2013 was flat on the street Sikorski, 1 in the residential complex “Green island” with an area of 80 sq. m. Now such a house with furniture on sale for 139 million dollars.
RC “Green island”
The daughter of the head of the SBU Anna Gritsak owns two apartments. The first of them is located in Pechersk in the residential complex “Prestige hall”, has an area of 84 sqm Apartment she inherited in January 2014. Now in this LCD apartment with author’s design sell for 3 thousand dollars for sq. m.
LCD “Prestige hall”
From November 2013 to the daughter-in-law Gritsak apartment was near Kiev in the village of Chaika residential complex “Chaika” area of 50 sqm Property in this complex you can buy for 1 thousand dollars for sq. m.
Residential complex “Chaika”
In SWAT, the head of the SBU also registered three cars, among them Mercedes-Benz ML 250 CDI, acquired in January 2015. Now that a used car is sold for 42 thousand dollars.
Meanwhile, Lyudmila Drachuk since 2003 registered as a sole proprietorship, and provided advice on business and her husband owns an advertising Agency “Rome”. According YouControl, 2012, the Agency was losing money, but 2015 came to a profit of up to 10 thousand hryvnia.
The son of the head of the SBU last year received a salary in the Prosecutor’s office 157 thousand UAH. and 8,5 thousand dollars in cash, another 5 thousand dollars in cash declared his wife.
We will remind, Hrytsak said, as have not been paid in the SBU for three years and who bought him a Harley-Davidson. The Chairman of SBU Vasily Gritsak explained how at his disposal, expensive cars, Harley-Davidson and real estate. According to the General, his wife has long worked in the business. While Sbject told that three years have not been paid. He said this in an interview “Лига.net”. According to him, the Harley-Davidson was bought by the wife.
He denied that his family’s vodka business.