In Ukraine for the past year has brought more than 50 thousand cars

A year in Ukraine there are changes in the Tax code that allows to import under the simplified system used “cars for foreign registration.” During this time (from August 1, 2016 August 1, 2017) brought more than 50 thousand cars.

About it said the people’s Deputy Robert gorvat, referring to the response of the State fiscal service on your request.

“The state budget received more than UAH 4.1 billion. For comparison, over the same period last imported about 17 thousand cars, and the budget received about 1.8 billion. Despite all the criticism of skeptics, thanks to the law, the Ukrainians imported three times more cars, and the state budget additionally received more than UAH 2.3 billion. I emphasize again that the problem of “cars on foreign registration” will finally disappear only when ordinary Ukrainians will be able to purchase him a car at a price not higher than the average in Europe, and this should be created a civilized market of used cars in Ukraine. And I work on it,” – said the MP.

#Avtobronetehnika #законопроект3251

A year has passed from the beginning of the action initiated by me, of Law No. 1389-VIII “On amendments to subdivision 5 of section XX “Transitional provisions” of the Tax code of Ukraine concerning stimulation of development of the market for used vehicles,” better known as #законопроект3251. According to my Deputy’s appeal of the SFS of Ukraine informed that as of 1 August 2016 and 1 August 2017, imported more than 50 thousand used cars, and the state budget received over UAH 4.1 billion. For comparison, over the same period last imported about 17 thousand cars, and the budget received about 1.8 billion. Despite all the criticism of skeptics, thanks to the Law, the Ukrainians imported three times more cars, and the state budget additionally received more than UAH 2.3 billion. I emphasize again that the problem of “cars on foreign registration” will finally disappear only when ordinary Ukrainians will be able to purchase him a car at a price not higher than the average in Europe, and this should be created a civilized market of used cars in Ukraine. And I work on it. #Avtobronetehnika #Rosmaninho #Europejskiego #Nespravedlivosti

Published by Robert Gorvat August 1, 2017.

We will remind, Ukrainians also began to buy more new cars.

