Zhytomir citizens filed a lawsuit to the court in gas workers for inflated prices

Collective action against excessive tariffs. More than a hundred Zhytomyr residents filed a lawsuit against the gas companies. People require to make it recalculate the fuel. Because after the installation of the local counters, the amount in the payment increased in 3-5 times. Residents support city hall, which is already suing gas companies. In the company say that the process is not afraid, says TSN.16.45.
Zoya Konstantinovna lives in an apartment with her husband and son. From gas appliances only stove. Previously, for gas a month paid not more than one hundred and forty hryvnia. With the advent of the gas meter, the amount of the payment increases monthly.
The gas meter on the house appeared in February. The Chairman of osmd said that permission to install it the Union is not allowed. To the control counter their representatives gasman is not allowed. And to install individual meters people can not afford.
Domestic gas meters installed illegally, officials believe the city Council. Not all technical documentation. The municipality was United unhappy with Zhytomyr residents to file a class suit against the gas company with the requirement to make recalculation. In gas supply, the company found out about it from journalists.
Gas companies say that house counters installed because it was required by the national Commission for electricity regulation. And now people would like to pay for real gas consumption. And overuse is to blame pies Amateurs and students.
“Because there are people who bake the cakes there, hand in the hiring of 10 students, that shows actual consumption”, – said the Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC “zhitomirgaz” Dmitry Konyukov.
Gas companies say litigation ready. And scare the city debts of the previous years for gas. Supposedly, the heating season may not begin. The municipality, in turn, threatens fines for illegal installation of meters.
Now Zhytomyr city waiting for a court decision. If it is in favor of the subscribers of gas supply companies will have to reimburse the unduly received money to the people. If not the residents of apartment buildings will have to accept local meters, or to install individual.
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