The shelling in Avdiivka the industrial area and the fire near the Water. Digest ATO

Since midnight, militants 9 times fired at positions of ATO forces.
About this Facebook informs the press center of staff ATO.
Since the beginning of the day in the area of ATO the activity of the enemy, compared to the previous day decreased slightly. The most turbulent in the coastal areas near the Water. Here since midnight the enemy 5 times fired at Ukrainian positions with rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns. In addition, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms, the gunmen used on the outskirts of Marinka.
See also:
“School truce” with militants near Marinka wounded Ukrainian military
On Donetsk the direction under enemy fire from heavy machine guns and small arms twice got our strong points in the industrial area of Avdiivka.
#Topod the Construction of the press center of the ATO headquarters as of 18: 00 on 4 September 2017 With the start of the day in the area ATO acts…
Published by the Press center of staff ATO 4 September 2017
And near Nevel bandits beat a grenade launcher.