The Ministry of social policy explained the mechanism of calculation of pensions to future pensioners

Implementation of the pension reform in Ukraine will be to calculate the pension for a single formula.
It provides for the bill, said the Ministry of social policy.
“The bill on the reform of the pension system introduces a fair and transparent rules for determining the amount of pensions for all citizens, without regard to the status and place of work”, – said in the Ministry.
The amount of the pension of every Ukrainian will be calculated by the formula: pension amount = Sz × Ikz × KS.
Videoproviders sent to the Parliament a draft pension reform
TSN. Pdsmi day
22 Jun, 19:57
Sz – the size of the average wage in Ukraine for three years before applying for a pension. In the case of implementation of measures on modernization of pensions to existing pensioners, to whom pensions have been appointed –will be used by the average wage, which is used for a pension in 2017 – the figure for the three years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Ikz – individual coefficient of wages (the ratio of the size of the wage relative to average wages, from which contributors – this is information anyone can obtain in any branch of the Pension Fund).
COP – coefficient of insurance, which is defined as the duration multiplier years of work experience the person on the value of one year of insurance. Today the value of one year of insurance equals to 1.35, and from 1 January 2018 will be 1.
“As a result of the ratio changes, no changes in the size of pensions in the direction of reduction will not happen”, – assured the Ministry of social policy.
Recall, from October 1, 2017 Ukraine should occur a massive modernization (increased) pensions. However, the bill, the Verkhovna Rada has not yet adopted.
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