“It is very necessary a crime of Yanukovych”. Lavrynovych commented on the announcement of suspicion

Changes in the Constitution was not a violation, and the execution of their functional duties. This was stated by former justice Minister of the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, Oleksandr Lavrynovych, according to “112 Ukraine”.
See also:
Lavrynovych commented on the suspect from the GPU: the prosecution of old, but without errors
“What are the questions about the violations, if it was purely by functional responsibilities, which are in no way involved in the subject matter? Changes to the Constitution and are being taken in Parliament, the procedure of their adoption are described. The Ministry of justice publishes all the decisions of the constitutional court is a duty,” he said.
The former official said that the constitutional court did not return, and declared unconstitutional the law, which was amended to the Constitution in 2004.
“The constitutional court does not return anything, it ruled unconstitutional the law that amended the Constitution in 2004. Almost all political forces, which at that time was initiated the repeal of the law as a violation of the procedure of amending the Constitution… They sure need some crime Yanukovych, that it was justified,” – said Lavrynovych.
On 6 September, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko said that PGO is investigating the case of the constitutional revolution of 2010, which led to the seizure of state power by extending presidential powers in Ukraine at the time, Viktor Yanukovych. In fact, it is reported about suspicion to the former President Viktor Yanukovych and ex-Minister of justice Oleksandr Lavrynovych.
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