“Another conviction of Russia”. Poroshenko reacted to the decision on the conclusion Chiygoza
President Petro Poroshenko responded to the court’s decision on the conclusion of Deputy Chairman of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people of Akhtem chigusa.
About this he wrote in Facebook.
“The case of Akhtem chigusa, the next sentence of Russia, which at the highest international level – the UN – recognized occupant”, – said the head of state.
The President noted that “it is possible to illegally restrict freedom, but freedom and truth will never break”.
“To occupy a foreign land, but it will burn under their feet and bake until its release,” – said Poroshenko.
The case of Akhtem chigusa, the next sentence of Russia, which at the highest international level – the UN – recognized by the occupier. Can AB…
Published by Petro Poroshenko September 11, 2017
See also:
“8 years for patriotism.” The foreign Ministry called on Russia to stop the persecution Chiygoza
Recall that Chiygoz condemned the so-called court in occupied to the Crimea to eight years in colony of strict regime. About the decision told the lawyer Nikolai Polozov in his Facebook. Thus the requirement of “prosecutors” were fully approved.
Chiygoz was accused of organizing mass riots. The politician was detained for two and a half years ago for participating in a rally in support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine in February 2014.
Videosu in the occupied Crimea have to pronounce a sentence Akhtem Chilgoza
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