How much it costs to fill a car at a gas station. The average price on 12 September

On the Ukrainian gas stations over the last days, cheaper autogas, and the price of gasoline and diesel fuel after a slight rise in price, remain high. A liter of gasoline category A-95 the average for Ukraine today, September 12, is 25,16 UAH. Depending on the gas stations, the price of this fuel varies from of 23.32 26,99 UAH to UAH. That is, to save or to pay can be up to three and a half hryvnia. Liter of diesel […]

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The main currency fell slightly in the courses of the national Bank on 12 September. Infographics

The national Bank of Ukraine set the official exchange rates on Tuesday, September 12. The US dollar fell by 7 kopecks and amounts to UAH 26,00. The Euro lost 24 kopecks and UAH is 31,20. See also: A sharp jump in the dollar seriously scared of the Ukrainians. Currency and price forecasts Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH. In the draft budget for the 2018 laid a course to 29.3 UAH per […]

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Losses among the Ukrainian military per day no – ATO headquarters

In General, over the past day militants 36 times opened fire in the direction of the Ukrainian troops. Losses among the Ukrainian military no. This is stated in the message of the headquarters of the ATO. See also: Military best predict the return of large caliber after the armistice At the end of the previous day in the ATO area, the main militant activity was recorded in the coastal areas. After 18 hours they are with mortars of caliber of […]

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The wife of Saakashvili’s son and ordered the driver to go to the airport

The wife of Mikheil Saakashvili, Sandra Roelofs, along with his son left the hotel in a landrover Polish registration. As reported by TSN correspondent from Lviv, the driver said, “To the airport”. While Saakashvili continues to be in the hotel “Leopolis”. TSN TSN We will remind, today, on September 11, Saakashvili gave his first press conference after a controversial return to Ukraine. He said he stole a passport after a search by the police. While it remains undocumented. In turn, […]

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Police responded to the accusations of Saakashvili theft passport

The police did not seize passport of the former head of the Odessa regional state administration of Mikheil Saakashvili. About it reports Department of communications of the police in Lviv region. “So, voiced a statement about the confiscation of their passports by police contradicts the circumstances of the events that took place in the illegal transportation of persons through the state border of Ukraine in the area of the checkpoint “shehyni”, – militiamen note. The police said that the officers […]

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