The building of “1+1” and the plant juices in the river arrested by the court

Pechersk district court of Kyiv seized the building of the plant “Biola” (Dnieper), the building in Kiev, which rents media group “1+1 media”, as well as Boeing in the case of “Privat Bank”.
About this to Ukrainian news, citing a court order.
According to judicial materials, official “Private Bank” by abuse of his official position for 2014 took possession of another property, namely: public funds of the National Bank in the amount of more than 19 billion hryvnia allocated for refinancing.
The Prosecutor asked the court to arrest the property belonging OOO “hadzhibey” land plots in Odessa region, Ovidiopolsky district, an array of “Gold coast” (the Black sea); owned by LLC “Separation Property” of non-residential premises, housing and office building and underground Parking in Kiev on the street Cyril, 23 (leases “Studio 1+1”); the building of the plant “Biola” in the river street Coastal, 135, owned by LLC “Erlan”; Boeing 767-300 (property of the Portuguese Pennylane – Comercio Internacional LDA).
Also, the Prosecutor asked to impose a lien on the real estate owned by LLC “Imme” house in Kiev on the Avenue of Stepan Bandera, 34 area 6 921 sq. m.; owned by LLC “Akvatera” and “Arlan” uninhabited house in the river on Chkalov St., 27; building of trading pavilion in Odessa on the street Kosmonavtov, 32 (owned by JSC “Design and research Institute “Powdermagazine”).
On 4 September the court decided to arrest all the property listed above and on 7 September adopted a decision to arrest the grain terminal “Borivage” in the Odessa region, owned by LLC “Agroterminal Logistik”.
Recall, September 6 “1+1 media” said about the political pressure and the alienation of the building that it is located, as collateral for the refinancing process “Privat Bank”.
According to the statement, on August 29, the company received a letter from the “Hem-real Estate” in which it was announced that the NBU is planning to 25 September 2017 the sale of the building. In this case “Hem-Real” demand payment of the entire loan amount– 4 406 807 586,50 UAH, at that time, the estimated cost of the building, according to the mortgage contract, a fraction – of 976.00 027 258 UAH.
“We really want to be wrong, but this seems like another attempt of political pressure. After the incident with the license in December last year, now begins the story of the building. We are the only tenant, so it is obvious that the actions against us. To translate all of the telecentre – it is a matter of a few months. To travel within two weeks – not physically possible and it is an absolute nonsense, given that in 2013, we paid rent until 2018. We still have not received an answer from the NBU, and if it is not a political action, then, of course, the NBU would have to give us time until the end of the lease”, – says General Director of “1+1 media” Alexander Tkachenko.
After receiving a letter from the “Split Estate,” “1+1 media” has applied to the NBU with a request to clarify the situation regarding future rent, given that “1+1 media” paid the rent till March 2018.
In turn, the national Bank of Ukraine Statesthat did not require release from the media group “1+1 media” room on the Kirillov, 23.