The investigation of the case “Rotterdam+”: NABU had access to the accounts of the company of Akhmetov

Detectives of the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine got the access to the accounts of the company “DTEK Dniproenergo” oligarch Rinat Akhmetov in the framework of the investigation of the validity of the approval formula “Rotterdam+”.
The corresponding decision of 6 September took the Solomensky district court of Kiev, reports UNIAN.
Videonab suspects in the crimes of the National Commission for energy state regulation because of the “Rotterdam +”
TSN. 19:30
10 Aug, 20:39
According to the decree detectives have access to things and documents, such as Bank secrecy and are in the possession of “Ukrsotsbank” and I can make copies of these documents.
in Particular, the NAB may obtain information about the movement of funds of the company Akhmetov from 1 April 2014 until the time of the decision.
The court’s determination is valid for one month from the date of its adoption. In case of failure to execute the ruling of the investigating judge may issue a decision on permission to conduct a search. Determination not subject to appeal.