In “Naftogaz” said that slows down reforms in the company and the market in General
International experts state that Ukraine is not actually carried out corporate governance reform “Naftogaz of Ukraine”, and there are problems with the implementation of government commitments to reform oil and gas market.
“The situation with the reform of Naftogaz and the gas market is not a question of personalities and not even a question of different ideologies. There is a clear list of actions for liberalization of the market, which passed the other European countries. The goal of this approach is the reliable supply of energy, the competition for customers, promote responsible investments in production and transportation of gas. We support this path, and his support of international creditors and donors of Ukraine. It may seem that they support us, but in fact it is only consistent movement in one direction. When they feel that we deviate from this path, we criticize, and we also have to explain their actions”, – note in “Naftogaz”.
The government is also determined to continue reforms and cooperation with international partners on this issue.
Chief commercial officer of the group of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Yuriy Vitrenko identifies four main problems and issues, which depend on the Cabinet:
1. The European Bank for reconstruction and development (gives Naftogaz loans for the purchase of gas from European suppliers) notes that the government promised reform of corporate governance in essence is not possible. Independent members of the Supervisory Board of the NJSC, which was appointed by the government to look after “Naftogaz”, resigned because of this.
2. Energy Community the world Bank noted that the government promised reform of the gas market in fact is not possible. Moreover, the Energy Community started a formal procedure for punishment for non-implementation by the government of Ukraine’s international obligations. Energy Community the world Bank proposed to the government the specific regulation text, which should correct the situation.
3. Energy Community draws attention to the fact that the government is taking steps in the wrong direction “unbundling” and to attract an international partner to manage the gas transportation system.
4. The IMF said that the government is not fulfilling its responsibility to produce automatic calculation of price of gas (twice a year) for the needs of the population in accordance with changes in market prices.
The situation with the reform of Naftogaz and the gas market is not a question of personalities and not even a question of different ideologies. There will understand…
Published Naftogaz Ukrainy – Naftogaz September 25, 2017
We will remind, the Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman has promised to reform “Naftogaz” following statements by the independent members of the Supervisory Board about the resignation.