How and where Ukrainians to know what pension to expect in the future

Adopted on the eve of the pension reform will raise the minimum level of pensions to 1452 UAH. It is 140 UAH more than it got retired last month. During October all pension payments will be recalculated, and in November, the Ukrainians will receive fair, according to the government, money. In the future, pensions will increase annually based on inflation and the level of wages in the country.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.19:30.
Videopersonal reform will increase the level of pensions for 140 UAH
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:15
Ukrainians hope to live to retirement – the evil of the Pension Fund. Remembering that the sled should be prepared in summer, the journalist Olga Koshelenko decided to pass this way in advance. She, on the editorial assignment, went to the pension office to complete the registration process and learn what kind of money she can count now.
In principle, to know all the information about yourself on the website of the Pension Fund. But to create a personal electronic office, or need a personal electronic signature, or a written statement to the Pension Fund. With a need to have the passport and original identification code. Card on compulsory social insurance is no longer needed, because it is not used, because there is an electronic resource.
After registration of the written application, issue a special code to create a personal account on the site. In personal Cabinet you can see all the information that is, premiums from 2000 and watch your experience.
The TSN video journalist tried to find out the amount of pension which would be received in 20 years
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:17
Also in the Pension Fund you can get help, which shows all work history – in the measurement of pension contributions. That is, you can see which employers have made contributions to the Fund, who is not, who did it with the minimum wage. The Pension Fund suggest such or to sue or to accept.
An expert in retirement Marianna Onufryk said that to sue the employers because of the small contributions to the Pension Fund, it makes no sense, it’s nervous, but nevyigrysh case. Better make sure that in the future was an official salary with regular contributions to the Pension Fund and, respectively, increased insurance experience is all that will affect future retirement. Unless, of course, until all 100 times will not change. Marianne advised to monitor these figures on the Fund’s website.
“We had in the legislation the conditions that allowed you to pay one-third of the minimum contribution and thus one month of experience is counted when a person worked for three months,” says a member of the public Council under the Pension Fund Marianna Onufryk.
Another exclusive opportunity to accumulate through private pension funds. Then a well-deserved retirement, you can receive money from multiple sources. Of course, if the pension Fund you will survive.