NACP requires omelyana internal investigations in the Ministry due to violations of the law

The national Agency for prevention of corruption issued an injunction the violation of requirements of the legislation regarding ethical conduct, prevention and settlement of conflict of interest other violations of the law the Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Vladimir Omelian. The decision was taken at a meeting of the NACP.
About it informs the website of the NACP.
According to the results conducted by the National Agency of the planned inspection, the Ministry of Infrastructure revealed violations of the law of Ukraine “On corruption prevention”: a special examination of candidates for positions (directing queries To the relevant authorities with a violation of the terms); the decision on appointment to the post without receiving replies to the queries from the Ministry of justice of Ukraine concerning the presence information of the candidates in the Unified state register of persons that committed corruption or corruption-related offences, concerning the extension to individuals of the prohibition to hold the appropriate position under the provisions of the law of Ukraine “On government cleansing”; the failure of the disciplining of an employee of the Ministry of Infrastructure, which a court ruling was found guilty of committing an administrative offense, stipulated by part one of article 172-4 of the code of Ukraine on administrative offences, however the court has not applied to it punishment in connection with expiration of the period of bringing to administrative responsibility.
According to the injunction, NACP requires to carry out in respect of the employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure of the internal investigation to identify the reasons and the conditions promoting Commission of offenses related to corruption.
“Prescription NACP is binding. For non-prescription the head of the body, enterprise, institution, or organization responsible under article 188-46 Kuban”, – stated in the message on the website of NACP.
Recall that the NACP wants to change the procedure for full validation of e-returns.