Klimkin announced Kiev’s expectations from the upcoming NATO summit

Ukraine will ask the North Atlantic Treaty Organization support in approaching NATO standards. Such plans for the nearest summit of the Alliance, announced the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, UNIAN reports.
The main domestic diplomat recalled that the purpose of the state is to adapt the sector of security and defense to the standards of the Alliance until 2020. “Should be very clear to go at the agreed logic to an agreed schedule. A summit in Brussels next year. There will need to talk to what more we need help,” – said Klimkin.
Videopredatory NATO and Ukraine discussed the prospects of the countries in the Alliance
The world
28 Mar, 23:14
The Minister said that we are talking about the assistance that will contribute to achieving the goal of bringing the defence sector of Ukraine to NATO standards until 2020. The summit is scheduled on 11 and 12 July 2018 in Brussels.
See also:
NATO reacted to the decision of Parliament on the priority of membership in the Alliance
Earlier in October, Secretary of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov has postponed a visit to Brussels to meet with NATO Secretary General in connection with the aggravation of the situation in the East of the country and the internal situation, in particular, protest actions near the Parliament.
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