Walker “can’t imagine” the participation of Russia in the peacekeeping mission in the Donbass

Special envoy of the US state Department on Ukraine Kurt Volker is convincedthat Russia can not participate in the peacekeeping mission in the Donbas.
He stated this during a meeting with deputies of the Verkhovna Rada in Kiev, said in Facebook the people’s Deputy Mustafa Nayem.
See also:
Volker and Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States discussed the UN peacekeeping mission in the Donbass
On the question whether the participation of Russians as peacekeepers in the Donbass, Walker replied: “I can’t imagine.”
According to the MP, for Walker it is critical that the peacekeeping mission was militarized, not just monitoring, and acted on the section of the Ukrainian-Russian border uncontrolled by Ukraine.
In addition, it expects that by the end of the year will be ready to UN security Council resolution regarding a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine, and perhaps even adopted. He noted that critical to the resolution is the issue of control over Ukrainian-Russian border.
“When we first met with Vladislav Surkov, he expressed concern that the situation of Russian-speaking population…
Mustafa Nayyem posted on October 28, 2017
“And it is the active control of paramilitary mission, not passive monitoring,” – said Walker.
The special representative also expressed its position on the Russian project Nord stream.
Videocart Walker said that Russia should withdraw from the zone ATO troops for the implementation of the Minsk agreements
TSN. Wounds
25 Aug, 09:47
“This is a purely political project. No economic component in it, since the possibility of delivery of Russian gas to Europe; no other gas or other wells for which we need another thread that does not exist. And the only purpose of building a new flow is to punish Ukraine and to deprive it of income from transit,” he said.
Recall, Walker said that before the end of 2017 can be developed by resolution of the Security Council of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Donbas. According to Volcker, “the blue helmets have to control the entire territory, including the border and have access to the locations of the heavy equipment.” Also, the US representative believes that Russia is not like the law on the reintegration of Donbass, which Moscow called an aggressor, and “Ukraine is the only party of all, which shows commitment to the implementation of the Minsk agreements. How could anyone to these agreements are not treated, this is the only process that recognizes the Russian Federation, which gives the opportunity to avoid escalation”.
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