In Kiev, stopped traffic on the blue line subway due to falling of the passenger on rails

Today, October 30, in Kyiv was suspended the movement of trains on Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiiska metro line.
In a press-service of the Metropolitan subway reported that “Kontraktova square” the man fell on the rails.
See also:
On one of the Kiev metro escalator broke because of a female “stud”
Attention! Suspended the movement of trains on Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiiska line due to the fall of a passenger on the tracks at the station “Kontraktova square”.
Published KP “Kiev underground” October 30, 2017.
Recall recently in Kiev, a man committed suicide at the metro station “Akademgorodok”. When the train arrived at the station, the man jumped on the tracks.
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