“Ukrpochta” has announced a massive increase of salaries to workers

From November 1 “Ukrposhta” begins a phased increase of salaries to workers of the enterprise to the level of the market.
This is stated in the message of the enterprise.
Thus, the wage increase will begin with post offices located in the cities and regional centers.
In particular, postal operators will increase the rate almost in 2 times up to 7.5 thousand Between the chiefs and deputies of post offices – about 2.5 times, up to 14.5 thousand.
First and foremost, the salary will be raised those chiefs of post offices and their deputies, which showed excellent results during the monitoring of the level of managerial skills of managerial staff of the postal communication objects.
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All other heads of departments and their deputies will receive higher salaries as a result of monitoring their level of skills.
“A global increase in wages of the production personnel of the company have not occurred for many years, “Ukrposhta” has traditionally remained in the list of enterprises with low wages. Building a modern clan company, it is necessary to invest not only in equipment or vehicles, it is important to create an effective system of incentives and to provide market wages to its employees”, – said acting General Director of JSC Igor Smelyansky.
The program envisages a further gradual increase of salaries of other categories of workers across the country for 2018.
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We will remind, “Ukrposhta” increases the rates for its services. From 1 January 2018 “Ukrposhta” will increase the price of their services by an average of 16%. In particular, the forwarding of mail in Ukraine will grow by 12.3%, abroad – by 43.2%.
New marginal tariffs for universal postal services has already approved the national Commission, carrying out state regulation in the sphere of communication and Informatization.
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