Private doctors are surprised at the prices in the draft price lists for state medical services

In Ukraine formed the tariffs for medical services, which will not pay the patient and the national health service. This is an attempt to make the cost of hospital care transparent and to move away from bribes in the pocket of the doctors, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Medical reform is expected to determine the prices for services all hospitals shall, within two years, and in some agencies this year. The Internet has already got the first version of the tariffs for public hospitals, and they are frankly surprised by those doctors who have a private practice. Medic Maxim Shcherbina explains that state agencies are not profitable organizations, therefore, should provide a cheaper service, although the lion’s share of the published price list contains numbers that large, it is now possible to pay in private clinics. Items such as joint injuries, and open wound of elbow specialist generally refers to inadequate and much too high – 53 thousand against 3-4 thousand.
Video settings Ukraine began to develop rates for services that will pay for the national health service
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:45
Tariffs quoted are not official – this is probably the only one of the projects that have yet to consider the Ministry of health and correct position. However, the Institute Amosova, who is obliged to develop tariffs before the New year, complain about the repeated changing of requirements and calculation methods. Along with this institution, their prices must be fixed and other institutions – Strazhesko, Shalimov and the city. As conceived by the initiators, the cost of treatment in Kiev or on the periphery should be the same. When the government approves the tariffs will start to operate such a scheme: a patient comes to the hospital with a referral for an operation or some other action that gets a check, to pay which the national health service. Using money for a specific patient will receive exactly the hospital, which he chose to receive the service.
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Such is the attempt to move away from informal payments in the pocket of the doctors and paying patients long lists of drugs that are now issued before each operation in each Ukrainian hospital. However, it is now clear that the money is not enough for all patients. The national service will pay as much for medical services, how it will be provided funds in the budget.
The TSN reporter Irina Markevich
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