Airport “Borispol” has launched a virtual detective on the search for the lost Luggage

International airport “Borispol” has launched a virtual detective “Mr. Seeker” – it will help passengers, in Luggage where someone’s been, or suitcases disappear.
“We are pleased to introduce you to an expert in dealing with those who sometimes tries to illegally swarm in your suitcase, if you put it in the Luggage in our airport. Mr. Finder is an energetic experienced investigator, an assistant, is not indifferent to Your problems. Now Mr. Seeker stick on permanent duty to protect the interests of our passengers. He is ready immediately to work out the unfortunate interference in the Luggage, the main thing – not to delay going for help,” – said in the message.
About the interference of third parties in the Luggage please tell us in “hot pursuit”: on the page in Facebook, in the office of investigation of thefts from Luggage: (073) 7-702-702, [email protected] Skype – anti-theft-kbp.
The Airport “Borispol”
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