In Kiev, 2-year-old boy was in intensive care after being beaten by stepfather

In Kiev, 2-year-old child was hospitalized in the intensive care unit.
It is reported by the Metropolitan police.
Admission information the boy came to the police from the doctors. While chatting with his mother, police learned that when she returned home he found a son, who was breathing heavily.
The woman added that her boyfriend did not explain the reason for the bad condition of the boy, and started screaming at her. After that, she called an ambulance and her husband left the house.
“On this fact the investigative Department of Desnyansky police Department initiated criminal proceedings against the mother of child 1 article 166 (Willful failure to care for a child or for a person regarding which it is established guardianship or guardianship) and article 125 (Intentional slight bodily injury) of the criminal code of Ukraine against the boyfriend of the woman,” say the police.
Now militiamen find out circumstances of the injury to the boy. The severity of the injuries of the child will be determined after conducting a forensic medical examination.
After its results can be a retraining of criminal proceedings for more serious crime.
See also:
In Kherson father had beaten to death a year-old baby
We will remind, in Kiev, a 13-year-old boy called police patrol to save his younger brother from the abuse of his father.The boy went to the police on October 31 day, according to him, the father beat 10-year-old brother. The teenager asked for a patrol as soon as possible to come and help.
The house was dirty, and the boys looked unkempt. The children were told that their mother is now in hospital and they live with dad. As it turned out, the father has an addiction to alcohol and at the time of arrival of the patrol also had signs of intoxication.
Patrol visited two children, the younger boy found bruises on the temples and in the crown of the head. Both children accompanied a patrol was admitted to the hospital.
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