It became known, what powers “people’s front” wants to deprive Poroshenko

The bill of amendments to the Constitution prepared by the lawyers of the party “people’s front”, provides for the deprivation of the powers of the President of Ukraine and suggests to hold elections of the President in the Verkhovna Rada.
This is stated in the article “popular front” blackmail Poroshenko inconvenient Constitution and presidential elections”.
This document dated June of 2017, in particular a reduction in the number of MPs from 450 to 300 deputies.
According to the text, Poroshenko has taken away the right to influence the appointment in the Cabinet, submit to the Verkhovna Rada the candidacy of the Chairman of the national Bank, Prosecutor General, members of the CEC, appoint and dismiss the head of the Antimonopoly Committee and the head of the state property Fund. Also, the bill proposes to deprive the influence of the President on the composition of the national Council on television and radio.
See also:
“Narodniy front” santago Poroshenko nesrecno Konstitutsy I prezidentskie viborami in Red
At the same time greatly enhanced the role of the Cabinet of Ministers. Without government approval, the President can’t even appoint ambassadors or declare full or partial mobilization.
In fact, the bill leaves the head of state only the possibility of the appointment of the Chairman of the SBU and the chief of the General staff. Also, it can early terminate the powers of Parliament, veto legislation and to appoint a national referendum.
The most interesting point of the bill NF is the presidential elections in the Parliament.
The bill provides that for the nomination of a presidential candidate must be a written representation by not less than one-fifth of the membership of the Parliament. The candidate who gets more than two thirds, that is, 201 and more votes during the first vote, become President. If in the second round out two and gaining the same number of votes, the President was the one who received the most votes in the first round.
As stated in the article TSN.ia, Poroshenko about such “reforms” do not even want to hear.
“The proposals the President Avakov said: “we already Have a duality of power. I’m even prepared to hold a referendum on this issue. But I will never agree to such amendments to the Constitution, because the next step is to federalization. I will not allow the federalization”, – recounts the reaction of Poroshenko, one of his associates.
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