The national Bank explained the reasons for the fluctuations in the foreign exchange market

The current fluctuations on the currency market of Ukraine due to seasonal factors, including the purchase of energy and the growth of imports in anticipation of the Christmas holidays.
This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the national Bank Oleg Churiy, UNIAN reports.
During the three months of autumn, the dollar rose 1.3 UAH UAH from 25.69 to 27,01 UAH (NBU official rates).
Euro at the beginning of September cost 30,38 UAH, and at the end of November – 31,94 UAH. That is a plus 1,56 UAH.
Today, November 30, the NBU will hold an auction to sell foreign currency up to 100 million dollars to support the hryvnia.
Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH. In the draft budget for the 2018 laid a course to 29.3 UAH per dollar.
Before the government announced such currency forecasts: the exchange rate of the hryvnia (average per year) in 2018 will amount to 29.3 UAH per dollar, in 2019 – 30.5 UAH per dollar in 2020 – 31 UAH per dollar.
Ukrainian business expects that in the next year, the exchange rate will be at 27 to 30 UAH per dollar. This is evidenced by the survey among entrepreneurs, held by the NBU.
Throughout its history, the hryvnia has established a record two-and-a-half years ago – February 26, 2015 in NBU official exchange United States dollar amounted to 30.01 UAH, and the Euro – 34,04 UAH.
The US dollar exchange rate of the NBU
The Euro exchange rate of the NBU
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