Poroshenko told about GDP growth and economic forecasts of business

In the third quarter of 2017 , Ukraine’s GDP grew by 2.1%.
This was announced by the President Petro Poroshenko during a meeting with business representatives.
“This positive trend can not but rejoice. But, it is clear that the pace of economic growth for us are categorically unacceptable. The country to become successful and wealthy, needs investment, economic growth, new jobs, increase of salaries, revenues and pensions. It is the goal that can be achieved only thanks to good business”, – said Poroshenko.
At the same time, the President said that earlier the State statistics service of Ukraine published the rapid assessment of the dynamics of the gross domestic product. According to him, growth in the third quarter of this year slowed down from 2.3% to 2.1% compared to the same quarter last year and growth in the second quarter of the current.
The President also noted that “the autumn of 2017 has proven to be extremely fruitful for reform. Pleased that the positive changes are noticeable to the business environment. According to a survey among international companies operating in Ukraine, 65% of them expect a growth next year. 40% of these 65% are hoping for double-digit growth”.
We will remind, according to various forecasts, the economy of Ukraine by the end of 2017 will increase by 1.8%.
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