The Saga of Iran’s “Jolie”: she made a surprise announcement about their appearance

19-year-old Iranian Sagar Tabar, who allegedly suffered 50 plastic surgery for the sake of resemblance to Angelina Jolie, has denied this information. She used technology and makeup to make these photos.
It is reported by Snopes.
“Hi, regarding my dear subscribers. The photo that you all discuss, although she does not like me, I kept. I must say that really did a plastic surgery, but not 50, and foreign websites and channels were very biased when covering my photo. It seems that these people live in the XVIII century, because you never saw or heard about the technology and make-up, and because they are surprised,” – said in the message girls.
See also:
I like Jolie, or Ken with Barbie. Stories of people who are shocked by the changes their appearance
It is noted that the notice Sagar posted on another Instagram page, to which nobody paid any attention. Subsequently, however, the publication of the girl removed. It also has restricted access to their main account. The number of subscribers, which reached more than 440 thousand, decreased to 74 thousand people.
Videorescue girl has had 50 plastic surgeries to look like angelina Jolie
TSN. 19:30
30 Nov, 21:18
Earlier it was reported that 19-year-old girl from Iran Sagar Tabar allegedly suffered 50 plastic surgeries in order to be like Hollywood actress angelina Jolie.
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